


엔지니어가 Multi-tool workflow를 생성 및 자동화하고 제품 설계를 최적화하며 요구 사항을 엔지니어링에 연결하여 MBSE(모델 기반 시스템 엔지니어링)를 활성화할 수 있습니다

Data Sheet+


모든 시뮬레이션 워크플로우에 맞는 타 공급업체 제품과도 상호운영되며 직관적이고, 사용하기 쉬운 User Interface로 엔지니어링 생산성을 향상시킵니다. 엔터프라이즈급 시뮬레이션 프로세스 및 데이터 관리 솔루션입니다.

Data Sheet+


타사 제품과도 프로세스 통합을 허용합니다. 최적의 제품 설계 대안 평가를 통해 비용 및 성능의 이점을 얻을 수 있습니다. 전사적 프로세스 통합 및 설계 최적화 솔루션입니다.

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Granta MI

Enterprise 패키지는 저장, 제어 및 분석할 수 있는 전사적 자재 정보 관리를 제공합니다. Pro 패키지는 설계 및 시뮬레이션을 위한 fast-start 재료 정보 관리 솔루션을 제공합니다.


Granta Selector

응용 분야에 가장 적합한 재료를 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다. 강력한 소프트웨어 도구와 광범위한 속성 데이터를 결합한 지능형 재료 선택 툴입니다.


Ansys ModelCenter

The Framework of Model Based Engineering.

다중도구 workflow 생성 및, 자동화, 제품 설계 최적화, MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering) 활성화를 위한 소프트웨어 플랫폼입니다. 개발비용 절감, 엔지니어링 효율성 증대 뿐 아니라, 제품 경쟁력을 촉진합니다.

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주요 특징
Connect Your MBSE Systems Architecture Model SAM) to Any Engineering Analysis

ModelCenter provides a graphical user interface for executing the connected ModelCenter workflow. Analysis results can check requirements conformance, with unsatisfied requirements are automatically highlighted. Trade studies can evaluate different design configurations and optimize the system design. New design configurations can update the systems model.

Simulate Complex System Behaviors

ModelCenter permits engineers to connect any analysis to behavioral diagrams created using NoMagic MagicDraw/Cameo or PTC Windchill Modeler. The integrated model (behavioral diagram plus analysis) results in a high-fidelity system simulation allowing engineers to accurately VERIFY system behavior and performance early in the design cycle, reducing costs and designing better products.

Automate the Execution of Any Modeling and Simulation Tool

ModelCenter Integrate provides users with tools and methods that allow them to automate the execution of any modeling tool. Examples include user-created tools and scripts, legacy FORTRAN/C++ programs, spreadsheets, mathematical models, databases, and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) models.

Author Engineering Workflows

Once a few software tools are automated, ModelCenter’s drag-and-drop graphical user interface can be Once a few software tools are automated, ModelCenter's drag-and-drop graphical user interface can assemble these tools into a complete engineering workflow. An engineering workflow is a flowchart that specifies the order and conditions on how and when to automate the tools. Like flowcharts, workflows can contain branches, if-then statements, loops, etc. Execute the workflow – automatically.

ModelCenter's Link Editor allows you to specify the data transferred from one tool to the next when the workflow happens. Your workflow may contain tools that run on any number of different computers and operating systems.

Explore the Design Space and Gain Insight into the Desing Problem

.Analysis and trade-study results can discover significant trends and tradeoffs. Once a repeatable engineering analysis process is created, engineers can repeatedly execute the process (using parallel computing resources if available). Each execution corresponds to a different set of inputs. This process allows engineers to explore and quantify the performance, cost, reliability, and risk of many various design alternatives in a relatively short time.

Ansys Minerva

Simulation process and data management (SPDM) made easy.

시뮬레이션 프로세스 및 데이터 관리, 프로세스 통합 및 설계 최적화, 

대용량 데이터 관리 작업을 위한 직관적인 통합 플랫폼입니다.

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Data Management

Any Minerva provides state-of-the-art data management to streamline the CAE user experience, enabling you to search, visualize and reuse important data across your organization

HPC Job Submission

Ansys Minerva offers automatic data collection and hybrid deployment possibilities to make job easier.

Enterprise Integration

Ansys Minerva’s architecture is vendor-neutral for maximum compatibility and interoperability

Process Management

It takes teamwork to bring exceptional products to market. With Ansys Minerva simulation analysts and project manager can easily assign, own and perform end-to-end process management for staying organized, making better decisions and avoiding unnecessary administrative tasks, saving you valuable engineering time.

Dashboards & Report

Make informed decisions by easily and hybrid deployment possibilities to make jobs easier.

Enterprise Deployment

Scale simulation to the entire enterprise by closing the simulation expertise gap

Ansys optiSLang
Process Integration and Design Optimization

CAE 기반 민감도 분석 및 다 분야 최적화 및 견고성 평가를 위한

소프트웨어 플랫폼

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주요 특징
Orchestrate and Automate

Accelerate innovation by minimizing non-value added, repetitive tasks by fully automating and orchestrating the simulation workflows between heterogenous CAX tools across the entire enterprise

Understand and optimize
- Reduced Order Modeling- Ansys optiSLang builds metamodels for rapid feedback and robust design analysis in a fraction of the time it would take to run a simulation to predict a certain design.

- Design Optimization and Parameter Identification-Ansys optiSLang’s powerful algorithms and automated workflows build on earlier steps of sensitivity analysis to provide a wizard-driven decision tree to recommend the optimizer with default settings
Ansys Minerva Integration

One of the major challenges of today’s CAE engineers is the increasing complexity of processes while  results have to be delivered in shorter times. At the same time, within the engineering process, multiple disciplines like NVH, thermal-mechanical-electrical analyses, safety evaluation, tolerance management and costs have to be considered. Improving one discipline could require a compromise in others.

Ansys Granta MI Enterprise

업계 최고의 재료 인텔리전스

회사 전체가 일관되고, 추적 가능한 재료 정보를 활용하여 보다 빠른 
의사 결정을 내릴 수 있으며, 더 나은 제품을 더 빨리 개발할 수 있습니다.

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주요 특징
Additive Manufacturing

Optimize your additive manufacturing data and project knowledge. Utilize insights to get your additive solutions to market faster, and improve your understanding of critical process and property relationships. Integrating easy-to-use Machine Learning applications into Granta MI to reduce trial and error in additive manufacturing.

Minimize Restricted Substances Risck

We combine best practices to help minimize restricted substances risk through practical analytics, reporting and decision-making tools.

Offering an unrivalled, regularly updated library of references data to keep your teams up to date with evolving regulations. 

Comprehensive Materials Data

Our extensive array of interlinked materials data includes our comprehensive and comparable MaterialUniverse™ dataset with technical, economic and environmental information for thousands of engineering materials. Additional detailed information is available on metals, polymers, composites, coatings, electromagnetic materials, medical materials, aerospace materials - including design data, manufacturer's datasheets, standards-based information and test data.

Test Data Management

Utilize efficient, traceable materials testing and analysis process – from test lab to design data – to maximize your return on investment.

Integrate Seamlessly with CAD, CAE and
PLM Systems

Granta MI Enterprise is fully embedded with leading systems – CAD, CAE and PLM – to ensure accurate application of materials data and properties.

Boosting Simulation Accuracy

Improve simulation accuracy with access to an unrivalled catalog of materials property data.

Ansys Granta MI Pro

사내 재료 정보 제어 소프트웨어

설계 및 시뮬레이션 분야의 개별 사용자 및 팀을 위한 솔루션 입니다.

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주요 특징 
Build Lists of Preferred Materials

Build on the basic materials dataset to create your own list of preferred materials with the right properties you need for simulation.

Store Data Securely

Personalize your materials database and then ensure its security with Granta MI Pro

Import from Ansys Granta Selector

Quickly and easily import materials data you’ve down selected using Granta Selector to add to your company’s materials dataset.

Integration with Creo®, NX™, HyperMesh™ and Ansys Workbench

Granta MI Pro is rapidly accessible from a growing list of CAD and CAE providers – allowing immediate access to your trusted materials data.


Export directly to SOLIDWORKS® to simply assign your materials data to your design. 

Ansys Granta Selector

더 스마트한 재료의 선택

Granta Slector를 사용하면 재료 이슈를 혁신하고 해결하며 비용을

절감하고 재료 선택을 검증할 수 있습니다.

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주요 특징
Intelligent Material Selection

Ensure exhaustive, repeatable and auditable materials selection. Find similar materials to current choices or explore the entire available materials space. Rapidly compare material choices and balance competing performance requirements.

Part Cost Estimation

Estimate manufacturing costs at the conceptual design phase. Account for materials, manufacturing method and batch size.

Comprehensive Materials Data

Our extensive array of interlinked materials data includes our comprehensive and comparable MaterialUniverse™ dataset with technical, economic and environmental information for thousands of engineering materials. Additional detailed information is available on metals, polymers, composites, coatings, electromagnetic materials, medical materials, aerospace materials - including design data, manufacturer's datasheets, standards-based information and test data.

FE Export and Ansys Workbench Integration

Seamlessly feed simulation-ready engineering data into Ansys Workbench as part of an integrated workflow. Export data to Ansys Discovery, Ansys Granta MI Pro or a variety of third-party CAD/CAE software solutions.

Eco Design Audit

Straightforward evaluation of the environmental impact of your product and its component. Identify key areas to focus on, and provide guidance on how to reduce embodied energy and Co2 footprint at all stages of the product lifecycle.

Create Hybrid Materials 

Predict the performance and properties of hybrid materials and structures and compare them with standard materials. Comes with several built-in models and structures, or create your own. Or, predict the key properties and performance of several multi-cell battery module configurations and carry out equivalent comparisons between them.

Selector for Research and Academia

Compare your in-house experimental research data with built-in comprehensive materials data. Synthesize hybrid materials and assess their properties. Data visualization and analysis tools to guide through the whole research project. Support advanced educational reports and all kinds of publications.